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Updates - Posted on: 9/10/2017   [OrbLands]

Still experimenting with the vehicle...

It's a fun mechanic, but the terrains are too mountainous sometimes, and there are too many obstacles, like large trees and rocks. If you happen to land on a flat empty terrain, its really fun, otherwise you're just crashing into stuff the whole time. Not really an issue if I choose to make it a quick on/off button though, so it could work out...

Still struggling with the camera bug. Hard to explain it, but basically the camera isn't appearing in the correct position, like there's some weird lag or hang-up, but seems to correct itself after moving the character.

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Tried to make a few small improvements... 8/15/2019
Tried to make a few small improvements...
Getting back to the game... 7/28/2019
I took a break from developing this game for several months, but I'm starting to get reacclimated with it since completing Derpy Fishing.
Water caustics fx added... 9/25/2018
I added the recent water caustics effect to Orb Lands.
Updates... 9/3/2018
I had a fun idea for a boss battle...
Updates... 8/19/2018
Testing the latest updates and taking screenshots...
Grass updates... 8/18/2018
I updated the grass textures and terrain script...
New bird model... 8/17/2018
Found a free animated model of a bird...
Animation... 8/16/2018
I updated the new bunny model with some subtle animations...
Modeling... 8/14/2018
I made a low-poly rabbit! It looks so cute and majestic...
Updates... 8/13/2018
Fog scattering...
Site created and maintained by kreediddy. © 2010-2024. kreediddy.