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Random Name Generator... - Posted on: 5/27/2017   [OrbLands]

I'm working on a random name generator to go along with the randomly generated environments.

It's not very sophisticated, but the results are decent. Basically, I have 6 arrays of text: random vowels and consonants, random prefixes and suffixes, and just random words I thought might work well together. Each index of the text array matches the randomly generated objects index. So, each element (trees, grass, etc) is assigned part of the language.

More examples of random words generated...

Lemobe z Precbo
Stuqen Anour
Jooser a Welrum
Lemden Strefour
Plamet Anrem
Snovan a Glabe
Lemory Prefot
Plaan a Danqoz
Brumer Ungour
Plaget Anaum
Blanan Zeacum
Brican ol Andoz
Marret Unpem
Caubbe Tritum
Blaian a Dandour
Helot ol Grouvoz
Maraly Poshme
Glomot a Scuosum

Unfortunately, I don't know how to make this work for multiple languages... since it's basically gibberish! So, I might try a different approach... maybe something with words that are easier to translate, like geographic terms and colors, ie. "Blue Island".

Also, I might add some logic, for variance in the length of the name, so instead of always being 2 words, it might only be 1 word, or as many as 4 words.

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