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Fishing game updates... - Posted on: 3/9/2019   [DerpyFishing]

I made a shop...

It's a combination of resources - the only part I actually modeled is the signs. A shop menu will appear when the player enters the building - there wont be an interior.

I also made a simple function for changing the lure, but its not physically attached or animated yet.

I also created another terrain and scene - I'm still undecided which types of environments to include in the game, so I'm experimenting and trying different things. I'm wondering if this will work well with randomly generated terrains...

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Updates... 7/26/2019
I made tons of minor updates and improvements...
Updates... 7/23/2019
I updated the settings for the time-of-day option...
Minor updates... 7/22/2019
I adjusted the water settings so there's more refraction and bloom on the light from the sun.
Updates... 7/20/2019
I added a few more objects to the game for scenery...
Updates... 7/15/2019
I've been testing the game and making minor improvements, here and there...
Updates... 7/14/2019
I added bubbles for the fish...
Updates... 7/11/2019
I made several more updates...
Sound fx... 7/11/2019
The sound fx are done!
Sound fx... 7/10/2019
I started working on the sound fx...
Updates... 7/10/2019
Finished adding the new settings panel to all the game scenes...
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