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Computer player... - Posted on: 2/10/2018   [Shuffleboard18]

One of my major goals this year is to learn more about AI so I can add Computer players to my games...

I've been researching how AI works in Billiards games, and plan to apply those similar methods for Shuffleboard. It might not be as complicated as I initially thought... I just need to figure out what formulas to use, for things like calculating angles and collision forces.

The process will be something like this...

1. Choose random goal.
2. Calculate distance to goal, calculate the best angle, then apply the necessary force to the object.
3. Additionally, check if goal is blocked, if so, use logic to determine best target, or alternative goals.
4. Apply variability based on difficulty and computer skill level.

That's basically all, and I'm fairly confident I can do that.

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Site created and maintained by kreediddy. © 2010-2024. kreediddy.