Android Updates...
- Posted on: 7/5/2018
Updated the Android version... |
Took several hours because I had to install the Java and Android SDKs and had several technical problems. I added another menu button for Quality settings. The game should run great on most devices.
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Updates... 6/28/2018 |
The scoreboard text color now matches the custom colors. | |
Custom colors... 6/23/2018 |
I got the idea to allow the user to change the level colors... | |
Computer Player 6/19/2018 |
Added a puck animation for the computer player... | |
Updates... 6/18/2018 |
As I'm playing, I keep noticing things that need improvement... | |
Model updates... 6/17/2018 |
I updated the shuffleboard exterior. Now it has smooth round corners, proper textures, and three various materials for each level! | |