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Updates... - Posted on: 10/31/2020   [Golf]

Still working on rescaling everything...

The solution I made for creating the holes seems less foriving at a smaller scale, I assume because the physics are more precise, so there are more unintentional collisions that shouldn't be occurring. I tried adjusting the model, its position, its collider, etc. but I can't get it to work 100%, and I expect it will be more problematic for the greens with lots of height variety, so that's something that I'm still trying to improve. I'm also having a weird issue where the ball stops before it actually collides, so for example the ball will stop and hover several inches from the ground... still not sure if this is some bug due to rescaling everything, or existing bug that just wasn't obvious until I rescaled things.

So, I've made some progress but developlment has been a little slow and frustrating lately.

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Settings updates... 12/30/2021
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Updates... 10/23/2021
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Golf updates... 10/10/2021
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Updates... 9/13/2021
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I've been working more on the golf game...
Some progress... 7/18/2021
I made some progress on the second course...
2nd course... 2/28/2021
The creation of the first course was mostly improvised. I'm trying to plan the second course better, by starting with an overhead drawing, then I'll use that as a rough template for the course when I paint the textures and heights in Unity.
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