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Golf... - Posted on: 5/7/2020   [Golf]

More updates to the golf game...

I added particle effects for the grass, sand, and water. So, when the ball is first hit, and when it lands on the ground, the appropriate particle effect is spawned.

I also noticed a minor bug where the drag wasn't being applied properly, so I fixed that. Now I'm trying to get the camera and club positioning working... then I'll move onto something else. The game is looking great but there are still lots of things to work on, and lots of details to improve.

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Settings updates... 12/30/2021
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Updates... 10/23/2021
Minor updates and improvements...
Golf updates... 10/10/2021
Minor updates...
Updates... 9/13/2021
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More progress... 9/5/2021
More progress on the second course...
More progress on the golf game... 8/31/2021
More progress on the second course...
Golf updates... 8/29/2021
I've been working more on the golf game...
Some progress... 7/18/2021
I made some progress on the second course...
2nd course... 2/28/2021
The creation of the first course was mostly improvised. I'm trying to plan the second course better, by starting with an overhead drawing, then I'll use that as a rough template for the course when I paint the textures and heights in Unity.
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