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Golf... - Posted on: 4/30/2020   [Golf]

I thought of another way to determine ball position on the course...

Instead of the using meshes, layers and raycasting... I have a 2d texture of the course areas that the ball needs to interact with, then compare the balls position to the pixel position. As long as the texture isn't too large performance isn't an issue and accuracy seems to be pretty good too.

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Settings updates... 12/30/2021
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Updates... 10/23/2021
Minor updates and improvements...
Golf updates... 10/10/2021
Minor updates...
Updates... 9/13/2021
I remade the 7th hole...
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I've been testing the second course and making minor improvements...
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More progress on the golf game... 8/31/2021
More progress on the second course...
Golf updates... 8/29/2021
I've been working more on the golf game...
Some progress... 7/18/2021
I made some progress on the second course...
2nd course... 2/28/2021
The creation of the first course was mostly improvised. I'm trying to plan the second course better, by starting with an overhead drawing, then I'll use that as a rough template for the course when I paint the textures and heights in Unity.
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