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Racing game updates... - Posted on: 3/8/2020   [RoughRacing]

I created more 3d models...

I made fencing, signs, and some tires, which turned out nice. I did some custom shader programming and other minor updates too.

I've noticed a bug where the finishing positions aren't correct sometimes. Initially, I thought maybe it was because one of the computer players was missing a waypoint and it wasn't resetting itself, but I checked that and its working fine. But I can see that the total time/distance for the out-of-position player is usually less than it should be... so definitely related to the distance/waypoint functions, but I can't pin-point the problem. So, that's frustrating but hopefully something I can resolve soon.

I still have many things to figure out, and progress has been a little slow, but I'm steadily working on it.

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