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Computer Player - Posted on: 6/10/2018   [Shuffleboard18]

I've been obsessing over the maze generation stuff and thought it would be healthy to work on something else...

I'm make some progress on the Computer Player for Shuffleboard. I don't intend to make anything too in-depth, but its still a challenging subject for me. For example, I'm currently trying to apply x amount of force to the puck, determined by the target distance... which sounds easy, but its not, because I'm not sure how to SCALE that value to match Unity's physics... Everything I've tried results in the force being too much or too little. That's something I need to resolve before I can progess.

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Android Updates... 7/5/2018
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Computer Player 6/19/2018
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Model updates... 6/17/2018
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Model updates... 6/17/2018
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