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Updates - Posted on: 1/2/2017   [Shuffleboard18]

I ported the Shuffleboard game to Android and tested with my new tablet.

I was really surprised to see how easy it was to port and how well it worked without the need to make any major adjustments. Much credit to Unity, and also myself I guess.

The only issue was with performance and low frame rate. I had to strip out most of the effects and turn down the settings to the bare minimum. Despite that, it still looks nice and the game now runs around 40fps on my tablet, which should be a good threshold.

This has really encouraged me to try and finish the game soon!

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Android Updates... 7/5/2018
Updated the Android version...
Updates... 6/28/2018
The scoreboard text color now matches the custom colors.
Updates... 6/25/2018
I updated the menu again...
Custom colors... 6/24/2018
Made a few more updates to the colors...
Updates... 6/24/2018
Some boring updates...
Custom colors... 6/23/2018
I got the idea to allow the user to change the level colors...
Computer Player 6/19/2018
Added a puck animation for the computer player...
Updates... 6/18/2018
As I'm playing, I keep noticing things that need improvement...
Model updates... 6/17/2018
Made a few more improvements...
Model updates... 6/17/2018
I updated the shuffleboard exterior. Now it has smooth round corners, proper textures, and three various materials for each level!
Site created and maintained by kreediddy. © 2010-2024. kreediddy.