DESCRIPTION: ------------ This is a simple effect for rendering 2d clouds in Unity. It uses a plane, an unlit shader, and two textures. HOW TO USE: ----------- Import the custom PACKAGE into your project. (Assets > Import Package > Custom Package) Drag the included PREFAB into your scene and adjust the material properties - that's it! The individual files are also included in the zip file if you can't use the package. GENERAL NOTES: -------------- To avoid clipping, increase the camera's "far clipping plane" and adjust the Fade Distance/Strength properties on the shader material. Use the Color property to adjust opacity and color. Textures are included for convenience, use any textures you want. Make sure the texture's Import Settings are set to "Repeat". Turn off compression for better quality. Don't forget to adjust the Tiling properties of the textures in the Material properties, to your liking. UPGRADE NOTES: -------------- 2020-07-5 - Fixed color banding/cut-off issue by replacing saturate function with clamp function. 2020-11-3 - Added a more photographic texture for the clouds and updated the prefab. LICENSE: -------- Use at your own risk. You may modify this code, use it in your personal or commercial projects, and redistribute, granted credit is given. Created by Chris Cunningham. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Made with Unity 5.6.5f1 also tested successfully in Unity 2018 and 2019.